Moorhaven cemetery

The grass has been left long in the cemetery and is full of flowers and insects. Here are some of the plants growing there. Several speedwells: Some to look forward to: Insects: Plantains and buttercups in the arboretum This goatsbeard is growing in the wild patch in our garden but is worth looking out for…

Corringdon Ball

A walk from Moorhaven to Corringdon Ball gate to Owley and back on 11th May. The path south from Ball Gate has fantastic displays of spring flowers and fabulous views.

New England wood

Devon Wildlife Trust ask that you do not drive to New England wood during lockdown but fortunately it is a short cycle ride from Moorhaven and an oasis of calm green. At this time of year, it is carpeted with wild garlic and the last of the bluebells.  At the far side of the wood is…


On the way to Eastern Whitebarrow, there were beautiful patches of wood sorrel on the steep slopes of Middle Brook ‘British soldiers’ on Ugborough beacon Broad-leaved pondweed sheltered masses of tadpoles at Glasscombe corner