Sunshine at last

A week with some sunshine has made a difference. There isn’t a bigger variety of flowers yet but it certainly looks more meadow like. It was nice to see some wildlife enjoying the flowers already, including a 14-spot ladybird and a few garden chafers. A wild shady patch under the trees in the formal garden,…

Mid-May in the Meadow

The weather is frustrating. It feels as though everything is waiting to fulfil its potential as soon as the sun comes out but the rain continues. Before I move onto the Cemetery, I wanted to say that I love the contrast of wild and neat around the trees near the entrance to Moor Park. There…

Making a meadow, day 3

Where were the showers we expected in April? After a month of drought and with heavy rain forecast, a group of us spent May day preparing the cemetery meadow. Most of the time was devoted to digging up docks that would obliterate more welcome wildflowers given a chance. Although April’s cold dry weather had held…