Corringdon Ball

A walk from Moorhaven to Corringdon Ball gate to Owley and back on 11th May. The path south from Ball Gate has fantastic displays of spring flowers and fabulous views.


It was definitely still winter on Three Barrows and Wacka Tor today, but in Didworthy it was spring. Water everywhere, but flowers coming up despite the snow, hail, sleet and high winds we had yesterday. It was good to see a few sunshine-yellow dandelions out as they are an important early source of nectar for…

More spring, more snow

A splash of purple scented violets under the viaduct, and the first few white specimens in the verge on Bittaford road this week. It was just light enough to take photos while walking home from the station. Dandelions were looking glorious in the sunshine; they are an important source of food for insects early in…

Piles Copse

Piles Copse is a magical place to spend a sunny evening. On the way, there were some flowers hanging on in the hedgerows, caterpillars and butterflies, and lovely views from Ugborough Beacon. A pair of ravens patrols the beacon: In Piles Copse:   Sunset from Ugborough Beacon

Leigh Lane and Lud brook

New oak and hazel leaves, holly and blackthorn flowers, and the last few catkins overhead in Leigh Lane. Under foot, bluebells, three speedwells, two violets, and three umbellifers. Yellow dandelions, lesser celandines, and creeping buttercups in Leigh Lane, and gorse and tormentil on the moor. Also in Leigh Lane, pink purslane, herb robert, and campions and white wood…

Bovey Heathfield

A walk last Sunday around Devon Wildlife Trust’s nature reserves at Bovey Heathfield, Little Bradley Ponds, and Chudleigh Knighton Heath. There were lots of stonechats on the heath, and Canada geese on the ponds. There was also an interesting nest, apparently made entirely from grey lichen, with a perfect circle of lichen on the ground…

By the sea in August

In the Isles of Scilly, plenty of flowers that are not found near Moorhaven, starting with yellows like chamomile and fennel; pinks including common centaury, mint (probably false apple mint, a cross between round-leaved and horse mints), purple loosestrife and sea spurry; blue butterflies as well as flowers of heath milkwort and sheep’s bit: and greens, whites and…


Looking further afield, found dog’s mercury, burnet saxifrage, hogweed, gorse and common comfrey already in flower