Species lists

On the first weekend of June, we surveyed flowers in the Ugborough burial ground and Moorhaven cemetery. There was a considerably wider range at Moorhaven, as the hedges, oak tree, wall and gravel path provide a series of micro-habitats appealing to different species. At Ugborough on 6th June 2021: bindweed sp. hedge bedstraw bracken hogweed…

Ugborough burial ground

While the Moorhaven meadows group has been working on the Moorhaven cemetery meadow, Greener Ugborough Parish https://www.ugborough.com/g-up has received permission from Ugborough Parish Council to manage the Ugborough burial ground for wildlife. It is rough (or rank) grassland, dominated by cocksfoot grass, with the potential to build up a deep thatch to encourage voles and…

Open day

Sunday 13th June saw the first Moorhaven Open Meadows event, part of the open meadows series organised by Moor Meadows https://moormeadows.org.uk. In lovely sunshine, we welcomed around 20 visitors to view the new cemetery meadow and Trudi and David’s larger and better established meadows up the hill at Stoneybrook.